Monday, July 19, 2010

Birth Tourism?

I just read an article on the Houston Chronicle today that described a new twist on the immigration issue. It seems that some companies are providing "birth tourism" packages for pregnant women from foreign countries to come to the US for a few months around their expected delivery dates. By doing this, the child gets US citizenship and all the benefits associated with it. It is their belief that this gives their child education and other benefits. It seems that the State Department will not refuse to grant the women a visa just because they are near term on their pregnancy.

Personally, I do not agree with this. We have more people in this country than we need already and we don't need more coming here making it overcrowded like other countries around the world. We need to tighten up our immigration policy and one way of doing that would be to make it such that US citizenship is not automatically conveyed just because you are born here. I think that we should make it so that to be a US citizen at birth, your parents must be US citizens. As long as we're at it, we might as well define what it takes to be a "natural born" citizen. I propose that to be "natural born", it means that you must be born to parents who were also born in the US and who also had citizenship at birth.

Maybe we need to define it something like this:

  1. Naturalized Citizen -- a person who meets the current regulatory requirements to become a citizen through specified immigration procedures.

  2. Ordinary Citizen -- a person born in the US to parents both of which are either Naturalized Citizens or Ordinary Citizens.

  3. Natural Born Citizen -- a person born in the US to parents who are both Ordinary Citizens.

Of course, only Natural Born Citizens would be able to be President. This change in definition would be a bit more restrictive than is currently in place. In fact, the term "Ordinary Citizen" is even more restrictive than what is currently used for "natural born citizen". There are some of the past Presidents who might not be classified to hold office under this new definition.

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