Monday, July 12, 2010

Islamic Terrorism? What's in a Name?

Well, it seems that Bama-Boy is saying that we should no longer call what his Islamic friends have been doing to us "Islamic Terrorism". I guess someone thinks that it just is not politically correct to call something by what it obviously is. Come now, what motivates these people? Their religion, of course! Maybe we could just call them "Camel Fucker Terrorists"? Is that politically correct enough for the idiots in DC? I don't seem to remember there being all that much of an uproar by the Irish when the IRA members were called "Irish terrorists"... One might think that we could call the Islamic Terrorists "Arab Terrorists", but that is not really that great of a description of them since that is not the major identifying factor in their terrorism. From what I understand, the terrorists from Iran are not Arab, but are rather Persian. So, being Arabic is not a prime identifying factor with them. Plus, there are US citizens who end up supporting the terrorists. These US citizens do not suddenly change their race and become Arabs. They do change their religion and become Islamic though. So, it goes back to what is the identifying factor in their terrorism and that is the fact that they are Islamic.

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