Monday, November 2, 2009

Natural Born Citizen?

There have been those who question whether Bama-Boy was qualified to run for President because of his birth certificate. There are those who say that if he truly was born in the US, why doesn't he release his true birth certificate. Personally, I don't care what his birth certificate says since from my reading on the subject, given just the information that he has made public, there is no way that he meets the requirements to be President of the US since he is not a NATURAL BORN citizen. Look up what the Founding Fathers were wanting to ensure when they used that phrase. They wanted to ensure that the Commander in Chief of the Army had no possible allegiances to foreign powers like might occur if one of his parents was the citizen of another country. They wanted that the Commander in Chief of the Army to be the product of two citizens of the US. Since Bama-Boy's father was Kenyan and held Kenyan / British citizenship at the time of Bama-Boy's birth, there is no way that Bama-Boy qualifies as a NATURAL BORN citizen. So, where does that leave us? Exactly who is legally President right now? If the Democrats wanted to run a black for the office of President, they should have run Colin Powell. He tends to be a bit too far to the left for my taste, but assuming that his parents were naturalized before he was born, at least he is legally qualified for the office (unlike Bama-Boy). Powell's parents were from Jamaica in 1920 and 1923 and Powell wasn't born until 1937, so there is a good chance that they were citizens by the time he was born.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What Part of "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" Do You Not Fuckin' Understand?

When the Founding Fathers created our Bill of Rights, they were not listing something that was granted (i.e. a priviledge), but rather something that ever free man has by nature of being born free. Basically, free men are armed, slaves are not. Any government that tries to restrict the natural born right of men to be armed is considering them slaves, not free. As such, we do not need the permission of the government with regards to which firearm we might decide to own nor even if we choose to be armed. As far as I am concerned, every law that came after the 2nd Amendment is completely unconstitutional. The 2nd Amendment says "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED". It's doesn't say, "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED, EXCEPT IN THESE OTHER CASES". We don't need new gun laws. Hell, we don't even need the 10,000 gun laws that came after the 2nd Amendment. Why should there be a greater penalty for killing someone with a firearm vs with a knife or baseball bat? A firearm is nothing but a tool and as such, the punishment should be on the action, not the tool used to facilitate the action.

Slavery Apology

On Tuesday, July 29th, 2008, the House of Representatives issued an apology to blacks for the "wrongs committed against them and their ancestors who suffered under slavery and Jim Crow segregation laws". Of course, they weren't honest enough to issue what would have been a more appropriate apology:

  • Yeah, we're sorry that your own people sold you into slavery.
  • We're sorry that you are too stupid to be able to integrate into our society.
  • We're sorry that your 'culture' is so tone deaf that you think that rap and hip-hop are actually *music*.
  • We're sorry that your females are so lazy that they would rather stay home and spit out baby after baby instead of getting an honest job and having respect for themselves.
  • We're sorry that a disproportionate number of crimes are committed by you.
  • We're sorry that you consider the likely possibility that you will be spending time in prison just part of "growing up" like most of your other male relatives.
  • We're sorry that when you do find a white woman that will go to bed with you, she will be the ugliest skankiest white woman around and no white guy would have had anything to do with her.
  • We're sorry that all the really nice looking black women want to be with us white guys.

OK, maybe we're not all that sorry about those last two...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Lincoln a Hero ???

Well, it seems that Bama-Boy wants to portray himself as somewhat akin to Lincoln. I have to wonder though if that is something that he really wants to do. Does he really want to compare himself with someone who was directly responsible for the death of 600,000 Americans? That's how many died as a result of Lincoln's election.

These people like to say that Lincoln "freed the slaves" with the Emancipation Proclamation. Maybe they should read it to see what it really did. It "freed" the slaves that were in the rebel states, not the slaves in the North. If the rebel states had rejoined the Union after the E.P. was issued, they would have been able to keep their slaves. Slavery was not ended until the 14th Amendment. Lincoln was just using the E.P. as an economic weapon against the South. If not, why would have have put specific language in it that reparations were not to be paid to slave owners whose slaves were taken from them? You have to look at it with respect to the attitudes of the time, not with current moral sensibilities. Back then, the slaves were property. How would you like it if the federal government was to take away your property now and not compensate you for it? Let's give it a modern perspective then... With the current leftists in power and all the green-freaks that are part of that group, it's not entirely unreasonable to think that perhaps one of them might decide that to better our country, they need to get rid of all the SUVs and pickups that the evil Republicans are driving since no true tree hugging leftist (aka Democrat) would even consider driving something so politically incorrect. In order to do this, Bama-Boy issues the SUV Emancipation Proclamation and takes away all of our SUVs and pickups without compensating us for them. How would you like that? People would be yelling that it was unconstitutional, right? Well, that's what Lincoln did. If Lincoln had truly wanted to do what was best for the country, he would have had the federal government purchase all of the slaves from the South and then send them back to Africa or put them in some US territory. That would have been a lot cheaper than what the war ended up costing, not to mention the 600,000 American lives that would have been saved.

In a lot of ways, what happened leading up to that war is what is happening in our country today. These days, we have a country that is moving away from what the rest of the country believes to be its core values. We have wanton spending by the leftists who are expecting the rest of us to pay for their idiotic ideas. It is no wonder that we have talke of secession again these days.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

When to File Taxes

There has been quite a bit of discussion over the years with regards to when is the best time to file your taxes. Some people say to file it early so that you get your money back sooner. Some people just like to procrastinate and put off the unpleasant task as long as possible. Some people have a different theory based on theories about when you would be least likely to be audited. Personally, my philosophy is that I keep hoping that one of those big planet-killer type meteors will strike the Earth and wipe out all life on the planet. If it hasn't happened by around April 14th, then I do my taxes. I figure that I would feel really bad if I did my taxes early, a planet-killer meteor then came and destoryed all life on the planet, and I then realized that I didn't have to do my taxes that year.

Oh well... At least I wouldn't have to do them the next year...

Enforce Mexican Gun Laws?

Exactly why do the leftists think that we should be helping Mexico enforce their laws? I suspect that it is because they figure that they can use it as an excuse to attempt to restrict our 2nd Amendment rights. So what if I'm driving near the border with 20 AR15 rifles in the back of my pickup. I'm in Texas and that is perfectly legal. Furthermore, to attempt to restrict me from doing this is obviously an infringement on my 2nd Amendment rights.

What part of "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" do you not understand?

The leftists keep propagating the MYTH that the majority of the guns that end up in Mexico come from the US. In actuality, it is that the majority of the traceable firearms come from the US, but only about 20% are traceable which means that around 80% of the firearms come from somewhere else. The vast majority of the firearms that they recover are either from the Mexican military or have been brought into the country from Mexico's southern border. The problem is that speaking the truth in this matter does not allow them to advance their ultimate agenda of repealing the 2nd Amendment and taking away our rights as free men.

In fact, we should be suporting the importing of firearms into Mexico since obviously that can be construed as a human rights issue. The bearing of arms is a RIGHT, not a PRIVILEGE and as such, no country can morally take away that right. Free men bear arms, slaves do not. Choose whether you are free...


Well, we see today that thousands of people have gotten together to protest the unreasonable taxes that we have been afflicted with over the years. Of course, these are peaceful protests and as such, they will do little (if any) good. The politicians have gotten entirely too comfortable in their offices. They think that they can do whatever they want TO us and they don't have to suffer the consequences. At worst they figure that they'll get a few less votes and have to have to go back to the civilian life and be on the board of directors of some company or maybe end up as a well paid lobbyist. Politicians should FEAR the public. Maybe if we lynched all of them who voted on the Pork-ulus Bill or voted for higher taxes, they might get the right idea. We don't need more Tea Parties, we need an armed revolt against a government that has gotten completely out of control and abandoned the principles that were set down by the Founding Fathers. We didn't get rid of the British by having demonstrations with people hanging tea bags from their hats -- we got rid of them by force.

I see a lot of people these days using the electronic filing method for their taxes. I refuse to do anything to make it easier for the IRS to extort money from me. I take the 20 pages of tax forms, stuff them in a normal size envelope, put some packing tape across the back so that the envelope flap will stay shut, spit on it a couple of times, and then drive over it a few times in my truck so that it will be nice and flattened.

In some ways, I would like to see everyone on April 15th send the IRS a letter bomb, but I doubt it would do much good. All it would do is get rid of the low level crooks whereas the high level crooks would not be affected. Did you ever wonder what type of person decides to work for the IRS? People who didn't quite succeed in organized crime, perhaps?

Oh well... It's April 15th... I feel a need to rant and blow off some steam... I'm sure that there are plenty of other people out there that feel the same way, but in the end, we'll all be good little sheep and pay our taxes because the government can get rather vindictive if think that you are not giving them enough of your hard earned money. There might even be people who are far enough out there that they might even do something, but these are also the people who pay so little in taxes that they don't have a reason do actually do anything. Those of us who make enough to actually hate the IRS and the convoluted tax laws out there are also the ones who have too much to lose to actually do anything about it. Kind of funny how that works out, isn't it?