Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Slavery Apology

On Tuesday, July 29th, 2008, the House of Representatives issued an apology to blacks for the "wrongs committed against them and their ancestors who suffered under slavery and Jim Crow segregation laws". Of course, they weren't honest enough to issue what would have been a more appropriate apology:

  • Yeah, we're sorry that your own people sold you into slavery.
  • We're sorry that you are too stupid to be able to integrate into our society.
  • We're sorry that your 'culture' is so tone deaf that you think that rap and hip-hop are actually *music*.
  • We're sorry that your females are so lazy that they would rather stay home and spit out baby after baby instead of getting an honest job and having respect for themselves.
  • We're sorry that a disproportionate number of crimes are committed by you.
  • We're sorry that you consider the likely possibility that you will be spending time in prison just part of "growing up" like most of your other male relatives.
  • We're sorry that when you do find a white woman that will go to bed with you, she will be the ugliest skankiest white woman around and no white guy would have had anything to do with her.
  • We're sorry that all the really nice looking black women want to be with us white guys.

OK, maybe we're not all that sorry about those last two...

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