Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What Part of "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" Do You Not Fuckin' Understand?

When the Founding Fathers created our Bill of Rights, they were not listing something that was granted (i.e. a priviledge), but rather something that ever free man has by nature of being born free. Basically, free men are armed, slaves are not. Any government that tries to restrict the natural born right of men to be armed is considering them slaves, not free. As such, we do not need the permission of the government with regards to which firearm we might decide to own nor even if we choose to be armed. As far as I am concerned, every law that came after the 2nd Amendment is completely unconstitutional. The 2nd Amendment says "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED". It's doesn't say, "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED, EXCEPT IN THESE OTHER CASES". We don't need new gun laws. Hell, we don't even need the 10,000 gun laws that came after the 2nd Amendment. Why should there be a greater penalty for killing someone with a firearm vs with a knife or baseball bat? A firearm is nothing but a tool and as such, the punishment should be on the action, not the tool used to facilitate the action.

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