Wednesday, April 15, 2009

When to File Taxes

There has been quite a bit of discussion over the years with regards to when is the best time to file your taxes. Some people say to file it early so that you get your money back sooner. Some people just like to procrastinate and put off the unpleasant task as long as possible. Some people have a different theory based on theories about when you would be least likely to be audited. Personally, my philosophy is that I keep hoping that one of those big planet-killer type meteors will strike the Earth and wipe out all life on the planet. If it hasn't happened by around April 14th, then I do my taxes. I figure that I would feel really bad if I did my taxes early, a planet-killer meteor then came and destoryed all life on the planet, and I then realized that I didn't have to do my taxes that year.

Oh well... At least I wouldn't have to do them the next year...

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