Sunday, June 20, 2010

Texting While Driving

I read an article today where it stated that a study had shown that about half of all cell phone users send text messages while driving. Considering the amount of distracted driving that I see from day to day, I can believe it. I'm not about to say that I don't sometimes send a text message when I'm in the car, but I know my limits and as such, I only do it if I'm stopped at a light. I find it too irritating to be constantly switching my focus from something close up (like the cell phone) to something far away (like the view of the road). My old eyes just don't like it, so unless I'm stopped at a light, I don't do it. Too many people try to multitask and do both at the same time though. The end result is that they do neither all that well.

Having said that, I will have to admit that I wish that there was a way to more easily text while actually driving, but I don't see it happening when you are limited to a small handheld device. Perhaps this might consist of some sort of heads-up display where the text was displayed at the windshield level instead of on a separate device that you needed to look down at. Input could be accomplished by way of a keyboard that was part of and somehow oriented along the perimeter of the steering wheel so that you could type without taking your hands off the wheel and without having to look at where you were placing your fingers.

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