Thursday, June 24, 2010

USB File System Corrupted -- US Government at Fault?

My laptop was running a bit slow today even after closing off nearly all my applications, so I decided to reboot it. Some of the applications would not close off even though I attempted to kill them via Process Manager. I lost a lot of work that I was doing in Visio thanks to this. I finally had to power off the machine to get it to reboot. When it came back up, the system decided to check the 1.5TB USB drive and it said that it was corrupted and proceeded to 'fix' it. It did not give me the option to cancel this 'fix'. Well, after it finished, the drive is basically useless now. The files appear to still be there, but they cannot be opened with any of the programs associated with them. The photos apparently have missing headers in the image files, the music files are also not playable. All in all, everything that was on that filesystem is now crap.

So, I have to wonder now... Was this some sort of attack by the US Government against me? The coincidence is just a bit too much for me to ignore the possibility since when I was visited by the two US Treasury Agents the other day, they explicitly said that they would be watching me. Is it just paranoia on my part? Then again, is it really paranoia when they really are out to get you?

I lost a lot of family photos and such that I had taken, but not backed up to anywhere else. To think that they can do this sort of thing and get away with it really pisses me off. I guess a bit of verbal intimidation wasn't enough for them, they needed to escalate the issue.

I'm not so naive that I don't think that the government spies on us, whether it is legal for them to do it or not. I just wish that they would write their spy software better so that it doesn't destroy the data on the machines that they are spying upon.

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