Thursday, June 17, 2010

Visited by US Treasury Agents Today

I had an interesting experience today... I was visited by US Treasury agents. They had a printout of what was probably every post that I had ever made of a political nature in addition to photos of the various firearms that I had saved off in a private area of Picasaweb on Google for insurance purposes and reference. They did not like the fact that I was a pilot, an aircraft owner, and had made statements critical of the government. They did admit though that what I had said was totally legal since I had not crossed the line. I was pretty sure that I had not crossed the line and it is good to have that confirmed. It is perfectly safe to say that you wish that a planet killer meteor would drop on Washington and rid us of the jackbooted IRS thugs and the congress-critters, but unless you have a way to control the orbit of the meteors, they realize that it is still harmless talk. It is also apparently acceptable to say that you hope that one day you get the chance to piss on Bama-Boy's grave as long as you do not say that you want to hasten that opportunity or encourage someone else to hasten that opportunity.

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